Get to Know Our Head of Human Resources: Stan Choi
May 27, 2022

Get to Know Our Head of Human Resources: Stan Choi

Hi Stan, welcome to the Hex Trust team! Can you tell our community a bit about yourself?

I was born in Hong Kong, but moved to Sydney, Australia with my family shortly after and this is where I studied and started my career in Human Resources.  I was very fortunate to have worked with a few great bosses & mentors who opened doors, and created opportunities that enabled me to hone my knowledge and skills across multiple industries, and regions.

In 2016, I accepted a role that brought me back to Hong Kong… and while I’d done lots of work throughout APAC before, it was still a big change but one that I’m glad I made.  Even with almost 20 years of experience covering Banking & Finance, Oil & Gas, and Media & Telecommunications, I’m still learning and very much look forward to growing with Hex Trust as it works towards being the #1 custodian of digital assets!

What initially got you interested in the digital assets ecosystem?

Believe it or not, I was actually given the Bitcoin whitepaper shortly after it was published… like many who read it around that time, I dismissed it and it wasn’t until a few years later that I started really looking into it.  While capital appreciation was an obvious reason, the way in which blockchain technology was able to facilitate faster, cheaper, and borderless transfer of value was also something that grabbed my attention.

I had a few friends who were similarly fascinated by the blockchain/crypto space, and so we went on a journey that has now spanned close to 8 years… in this time we’ve learnt a lot, gained and also lost a lot but despite this, we remain 110% confident that this is not a fad, but something that is here, and here to stay.

What was it about Hex Trust which made you want to join the team?

After a few years of watching the industry grow, and grow, and grow… I told myself that it was now or never and talked to some friends who were delivering recruitment services to these companies.  While a role in HR was of course ideal, I was more than willing to do something else (anything) provided it opened the doors to the blockchain/crypto industry.

3 days before Christmas, I got a call about the Head of Human Resources position at Hex Trust… It didn't take much convincing given Hex Trust’s reputation in the market, focus on institutional clients, and unwavering prioritization of compliance and security.  And with an opportunity to join as their new Head of Human Resources, the answer was obvious given the rare chance to align my personal and professional interests - Christmas definitely came early in 2021! 

Tell us your thoughts about what makes a good team and how you’ll be using this perspective to attract the right people for Hex Trust?

I believe that everyone on a team is there for a reason, only we all play different roles.  The difference, however, between a good team and a great one comes down to 2 things in my opinion, trust and ownership.  A team built on both of these elements can operate with autonomy, giving management the confidence they need to stay focused on strategic priorities, and team members the freedom to innovate and be genuinely valued for their contributions.

Hex Trust’s journey to the moon has really only just begun, and so it’s critical that team members stay focused on what makes us faster, better, and smarter.  We work to take away the traditional barriers and replace them with great leadership, clear & transparent strategies, and a solid understanding of the role each team member plays - together, we go to the moon!

If someone is seeking a new career in digital assets, what advice would you give them?

With the industry being relatively new, it’s rare to come across someone who can say that they have vast experience with blockchain or crypto… so don’t worry, we know this and, (for most roles) it’s not what we’re expecting or looking for. 
Of course, an interest and willingness to learn is key so whether you’re early in your career, or a seasoned professional, you’ll need to be someone who is agile, and embraces the unexpected!
What will set you apart, however, is a clear understanding of how your experience and skills can add value, to our clients and to Hex Trust. We encourage all our team members to challenge the status quo, think outside the box, and be an ‘entrepreneur’ as they work to improve not only things in their own space but those throughout the whole organization and even the ecosystem.
Is now a great time to join? Absolutely… the industry is just taking off, so the opportunity to get in early and really make an impact is now.  Don’t wait, take a look at the roles we have open, your exciting blockchain journey may just be a few clicks away! 

As the Head of Human Resources at Hex Trust, is there anything different you plan on doing compared to how you’ve seen things done in other sectors?

Absolutely, with Human Resources being much more than hiring & paying people these days, it’s critical that the services we deliver to the business are designed to foster and promote sustainable growth and meet & exceed end-user expectations.

3 things Human Resources at Hex Trust will deliver:
1. become Trusted Business Advisors, integrating ourselves throughout the organization and proactively adding value to people matters big & small.
2. ensure all our solutions are Built for Scale… we grew our headcount by 600% in 2021 and only plan to continue growing - we can’t just solve for today.
3. deliver Best-In-Class Experience - dealing with Human Resources shouldn’t be a chore, it should be fun & engaging.  Through a fantastic team, innovative processes, and state of the art technology, we’ll make this happen.
“Human Resources” is also very old-fashioned, we’ll be rebranding ourselves soon, stay tuned!

Tell us something interesting which you do outside of work, and which not many people know about you!

Growing up in Australia, I always had a love for the water so it was only natural to take some courses and become a certified diver.  I learnt from a bunch of old Australian Navy divers who would constantly tell you how you would die if you didn’t do this, or how you would die if you did that.  Despite the ‘school of hard knocks’, it was by far and large the most rewarding lessons of my life… and it’s the one ‘sport’ I actually take seriously - did you know that over 70% of the planet is covered by water?

Why diving?  When you’re down below, the silence is simply intoxicating… we live in a busy & noisy world these days, it’s nice to escape from time to time! 

Finally, here are some quick-fire questions which have already caused some interesting debates in the marketing team as we were preparing them!

Beach, snow or city break?


Favorite fast food joint?

Shake Shack

Morning person or night owl?

Night owl

Favorite sports team? 

Red Bull Racing from Formula 1

Dogs or cats?

Dogs, I have 2 (French & English bulldog)

Sweet or salted popcorn?

It's not popcorn unless it's salted, sweet popcorn isn't popcorn! 

Coffee or tea?

Coffee, I'm from Australia... it's our replacement for water (along with beer)! 

What scares you? 

Fingernail scenes in horror movies, yep weird!

Favorite film?

Black Hawk Down, big war movie buff

What would you eat for your last meal? 

Sushi, sushi, and more sushi! 

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